May 16, 2010

This is only a test.

Back in April 2009, when a prescription-pill-popping-grandma changed our lives, Mitch and I had several conversations about becoming exclusive with our ACVWs. We wagered that there would very likely come a day when our decision would be tested because neither car would be running, and we would have to wait until Mitch had the time off work or we had the money saved to fix them. So really, the discussion wasn't whether we wanted to only drive old VWs because for us that's a no brainer. The discussion was whether we could manage without a car for an undetermined amount of time while we waited. Today was our big day, so to speak.

For the second time in less than a week, Mitch has managed to defeat the odds and get Gertie home (sans tow truck) after an unexpected malfunction.

Today it required some deep breathing, head scratching, explaining the situation to E (unexpected absences from Ludwig or Gertie always require explanations to E as she's become quite enamored with them), running home for a change of clothes, a jack and some tools, laying down in a disgusting gas station parking lot, and changing the fuel filter. (I'll admit, when I heard Mitch talking to himself about a bungee-cord while he was under the front end, I gasped with fear and had a flash back to Colin's visit last summer.) Mitch remained focused even though three different people came over to discuss the car with me while he worked. 

After the fuel filter swap, we quickly decided to pack all the tools and jack in Gertie so that if she started,  Mitch could high-tail her home without a tow. Long ago we decided that when a problem occurs it's best to drive towards home without delay (assuming driving won't cause additional harm) because every mile closer to home is money saved on towing costs.

Gertie's engine stayed running long enough to get them both home. Phew. But by the time E and I hoofed it back, she wouldn't start up again. 

So now we wait. And we walk. And we bus. And we bicycle. We wait for Ludwig's engine, and we wait for Mitch to have some time off work. We try to make the most of waiting by getting random projects underway, like the gas tank, or the seats, or contemplating which on the long list of miscellaneous projects we should tackle next. But mostly we just wait.


Terry said...

When it rains, it pours. Fortunately your weather is milder allowing for biking, etc. Esmé's concern is justified.

Lisa said...

Some say waiting is the hardest part. Be thankful you're not knee deep in snow! You must be kissing the bike trailer you got a couple years ago right now!

Big Blue's Driver said...

Lisa - I believe it was Tom Petty who said that.

You guys gotta get one of them running for Maupin!

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Thanks for the encouragement, all.


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