November 18, 2010

East Fork Reservoir Lollipop

A few days before some real snow fell (along with the temperatures) we bounced Gertrude along some of Deer Lodge and Granite counties' finer forest roads, with the purpose of (a) getting out of the house; (b) scoping out potential campsites.

 East Fork Reservoir (East Fork of Rock Creek, that is)

I'm pretty sure that big snowy mountain back there is Fish Peak (~10,200ft).

 We watched this weather approaching from the Sapphires and wondered if we might get caught in it, but it was too slow.

 Since living in Montana I've learned that this is called a "jack fence".

 These are some of the higher Pintlers, the one at center is Warren Peak (also about 10,200ft), I think.

The campgrounds we drove through (Spillway, East Fork, and Flint Creek; see map below) were pleasant enough. Road noise would be an issue at Flint Creek, and in Summertime Spillway is said to get pretty heavy use, but we'd be happy to stay at any of them. I'd say they're all better than any campground on Georgetown Lake.

(miles 6559-6631)


Terry said...

What beautiful country.

Anonymous said...

does "jack fence" serve any special purpose, or just a local construction style? we noticed these on our drive through as well.

whc03grady said...

Montana does seem to abound in them, that's for sure. They appear to serve the purpose any fence serves. I suspect they are preferred for ease of construction and maintenance (they don't require driving the posts into the ground, I don't think), and resistance to tipping.


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