May 23, 2011

Guest Photographer

Tater Tot was a big helper this weekend.

A little later she donned shoes and was set loose in the garage with the camera.
While carrying the camera and framing her shots, Tater Tot was often heard saying, "Back up Mommy! Back up!", reminding me to get my legs out of the pictures. She ONLY wanted to get photos of the engine and her daddy because, as she keeps reminding me, "Daddy is my favorite guy."

Melissa fitting the dipstick boot, yet another piece that had frustrated my attempts.

some of this weekend's soundtrack
(I wasn't very impressed with the Sufjan Stevens.)


Anonymous said...

Such a cute child, thankfully she looks like her Mom.


Big Blue's Driver said...

I appreciate the interesting angles and insightful close ups of the new photographer. Well done.

Ben Miller said...

I'm disappointed in your decision to listen to Vampire Weekend.

The pictures look good, though.

whc03grady said...

The VW (yeah? get it? weak, I know) album was okay I suppose, but definitely not worth the hype (e.g., Pitchfork). But I admit, I liked it better than this newest Sufjan.

What's to listen to these days? Fleet Foxes? Smith Westerns? I'm really liking Vivian Girls, I'll tell you that much. Welcome to 2008, I suppose.


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