September 18, 2011


Free camping with Montana plates.

If Google maps can be trusted, Lost Creek State Park, nestled in lodgepole pine and quaking aspen between 2,000 foot canyon walls, is 12.4 miles from our house (6.01 miles as the crow flies).

This has been sitting in our fridge for some time, held hostage by the promise I made to myself, that I wouldn't drink it until I could do so while camping in Ludwig.

We won't mention the across-the-way campers idiots who blared their radio into the small hours ("We'll turn it down" being their response when I trudged over at a little past 4am and asked them to turn it off), or Esmé's troubles sleeping downstairs by herself. Because the important part is, this was the first time we'd camped in Ludwig in 769 days, since July of 2009.


Big Blue's Driver said...

So, wait. This might be obvious, but... Ludwig is running okay now? Awesome!

Ludwig's Drivers said...

Ludwig is capable of taking us on a 30 mile camping trip, but is he running okay? Not really. Many, many issues are still unresolved.


Steve aka Gus's Owner said...

Congrats! 769 is a good number (I was born July of 1969)...hope to finally get out camping in Gus next summer.

Bumblebus said...

Having just taken the Bumblebus 50mi round trip on our first camping adventure together to Upper Whitefish Lake I can relate to this post. It's nice that in Montana we have so many camping options mere miles from our homes when our trusty vehicles aren't 100%. Congrats!

Bumblebus said...

Oh and PS - I can also relate to the joys of fellow "campers". For us it was chainsaws and gun shooting at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning. Bleh.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

@Bumblebus--No kidding about the nearby camping opportunities. There's a decent place to camp here that we could probably push Ludwig to if necessary.


Lisa said...

I think I see Ludwig smiling in that last picture. Loving that he can take short trips not far from home. Baby steps after all...

White Guy said...

The last one is a great family camping pict. Come on Ludwig, keep on chuggin'!

Unknown said...

Great pictures man! Did you say this is only 12 miles from your home? WOW! Congrats on getting your bus going.

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