September 22, 2011

SoCal VWs: Last Set

Okay, unless we either find a bunch more photos (not likely) or take a trip to Southern California (even less likely; I mean, who would?), these are the last of our pictures of air-cooled Volkswagens from our time spent on the Left Coast.

This same Beetle has shown up on one of Big Blue's Driver's posts too. Small world.

And that's that. Good riddance, SoCal.


Ludwig's Drivers said...

Actually, I wouldn't mind visiting there someday (especially the Ellwood Beach tidepools). I just don't want to live there.

Unknown said...

It's beautiful out there, and the weather is awesome, but in the end I like where I am just fine. We are lucky to be from some of the most awesome areas of North America. I mean, if I was from Nebraska, I might not be so sentimental. (Just kidding) :)

Anonymous said...

Haha. Yes, SoCal has it's issues, but this was our weather report today - "Expect fall like weather down to 78 degrees starting this weekend then it's back up to 82 on Monday."

I'll take it! :-(D

Ludwig's Drivers said...

You'll take it? You can have it. That weather report (I should say "weather" report) does absolutely nothing whatsoever for me.
Alright, whc03grady.

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