February 19, 2012

More Embellishments: The Toolbox

It's not just Ludwig who gets adorned with stickers. My trusty but slightly too small toolbox has received even more garish treatment. The box itself I got in 1995 at the latest. You can see that some of it is painted black because there was a brief, feeble beginning of an attempt to paint it yellow (yes, yellow again) with a black stripe to match the car at the time (Freida). The stickers perhaps deserve explanations.
Rob Zombie: I like White Zombie and Rob Zombie (less so).
SST: SST Records was a dependably fantastic record label up through most of the 1980s (think Minutemen, Black Flag, Meat Puppets, Hüsker Dü) but became a shadow of its former self in the 1990s and now is formerly itself altogether.
Firing Order/Cylinder Layout: All air-cooled VWs share the same cylinder layout and the same firing order. Over my twenty-one (!) years of ACVW ownership I've adjusted valves and done the timing at least a hundred times on several Type IIIs, Beetles, and Buses, and I still--still--second guess myself when it comes to remembering which cylinder is where. Recently I've taken to simply diagramming it in marker on the back of my hand. If I were employed in a less professional capacity, I'd very seriously consider getting this drawing (by Peter Aschwanden, from The Idiot Book) tattooed there--and the ACVW shift pattern tattooed on the back of my right (shifter) hand. Seriously.
Timing Chart: I taped this photocopy of the Type III timing marks (also from The Idiot Book) up there for the same reasons I did the cylinder layout and firing order.
ART4ALL: We like the Missoula Art Museum (closed Mondays).
Montana AAA: Triple A is always sending out stickers and I'm always putting them on my toolbox (see below).

You Are A Bus: ...is "Subaru" backwards.
Independent: Skateboard truck/fashion company.
Keep Missoula Weird: It seems every town which thinks of itself as weird has their variation on this. I've seen sticker-borne sentiments imploring us all to retain the weirdness of Portland, Madison, Bend, and Austin as well. 
AAA/Fasten Seat Belts: A good idea.
Jets to Brazil: We like Jets to Brazil.

Jucifer: What can I say, I like Jucifer.
My Cat....: In the 1970s my parents had a veterinarian who believed such a thing was possible. We like cats anyway.
The Mooney Suzuki: I thought they were okay. They were handing out stickers after the show so why not?
SoCal AAA: More AAA.
Subaru (Pleiades): If we had to get a newer car (<10 years old) tomorrow, we'd get a Subaru. No question. Personally, I don't think I would consider anything else except maybe, just barely maybe, a Hyundai. A Volkswagen? Pfffft. No way man. 

IXΘYΣ [ichthys]<Science: I think we all know what this is about.
IAC: For kinder, more personal ACVW advice and less snark (and fewer demands to "do a search!"), try itinerant-air-cooled.com.
Nebraska #1: Go Big Red? I hate football in general and the Cornhuskers specifically, but N Street Liquor is my second favorite liquor store in Lincoln (my favorite: Geno's Beverage, aka 11th & G Beverage.)
Big Blue Is a Friend of Mine: ...and of yours.
Cat Lovers Against the Bomb: Like I said, we like cats. The bomb we could do without though I suspect we're stuck with it.

Apple apple: What happened? When I was in elementary school, all the computers were Apples (II+s and IIes). Now everyone's stuck with this PC garbage.Oh well: history is replete with instances where the inferior product controls the market (see also: QWERTY vs. DSK, VHS vs. Beta, standard vs. metric (in the U.S. at least)).
Save the Bays: They sent me a sticker so I stuck it here. It covers up a KYB Shocks sticker.
BodesWell.com: Hey, I thought it was BodesWell.org.
Brandt Money Handling Machines: There was a time in my life when I had to use money handling machines somewhat regularly. I got this sticker from the service guy (obviously).
AAA: Again.
The Man in the Van....: Mike Watt at 1:08.

90.3 KRNU: KRNU was the first college radio station I ever heard and I loved it but since this was Lincoln Nebraska and all, I assumed there were even better ones. Not true. KRNU is easily the best college radio station I've ever listened to.
Larry's Foreign Car Repair (Ventura California): We got Ludwig's rubber front mat from a wrecked bus there.
Reverend Horton Heat: Do yourself a favor and go see RHH. If he's not playing near you soon, he soon will be.
punk is whatever we made it to be: D. Boon, one of the true greats.
The Only Good Clown....: I don't like clowns. Who does?
Precision Skateboards: "Precision" Phil was (is?) a V-Dub man too. 
BodesWell.com: What? Two?
Hippies Smell: ...like patchouli anyway. I kid, I kid.
Copyright Notice: I found a stack of these at work. They're for the copy machine.
GoWesty: By now GoWesty has entered the untouchable realm of the gods I suppose. Do they still give you a free sticker with your order?
Bob's Mobile Sharpening Service (Seward Nebraska): Much like my experience with money handling machines, there was a time when I had to worry about things like the availability of sharp knives.


Terry said...

So receiving/inheriting a Craftsman-multi drawer-roll around type tool chest ... would enable your sticker collection to grow?

BodesWell said...

it's both ;)

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