October 17, 2013

Ludwig gave himself to sin, he gave / himself to providence, and he's / been there and back again / the states that he's been in

Below are maps showing all the roads we're aware of on which Ludwig has been driven. There are print versions of these maps, updated in orange highlighter when necessary, on our bookshelves but I wanted to do the digital thing too. I've got a thing about maps, see.
Notes: Around town driving isn't shown. Also, plenty of Nebraska driving which I can't specifically remember or otherwise confirm--h
igh school was a long time ago--is left out too, as is (of course) everything from before May 1991 when I first met Ludwig.
If I feel like it I might add links to specific blog posts sometime, then put the whole shebang in the 'Geographica' link above.

So click, zoom, hit 'Sat' (wow, I wonder how many trees Ludwig has driven past), scroll around, and enjoy.

View Larger Map
Faint orange indicates roads surprisingly not traveled and which will be taken care of asap.

View Ludwig in Idaho in a larger map

View Ludwig in Wyoming in a larger map
This map is screwy right now around Yellowstone NP because it's Winter and Google Maps is stupid. I'll fix it if/when I can.

View Ludwig in Nebraska in a larger map

View Ludwig in South Dakota in a larger map

View Ludwig in Washington in a larger map

View Ludwig in Oregon in a larger map

View Ludwig in California in a larger map

View Ludwig in Nevada in a larger map

View Ludwig in Arizona in a larger map

View Ludwig in Utah in a larger map

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