July 22, 2014

The Caverns

Taking decent photos in a cave is probably difficult enough when you have a decent camera. When you have a crappy camera with a battery door problem and are dividing your attention with an engaged 6 year-old (and making sure she doesn't slip on the rocks), I assure you it's next to impossible. These are the best I could manage, and don't do the formations any justice. Come see them for yourself.

This one was really eerie. Looking at the picture on the computer, it appeared completely black. Melissa said to use the 'enhance' feature in iPhoto and an image of this ghost emerged.

Some of these stalactites ("stalactites hold tight to the ceiling; stalagmites might grow up") broke when they dynamited passageways in the 1940s. Some others were snapped off by visitors for souvenirs, with the park management's blessing (!). You can see the growth rings in that one at top center.

The stalactites at top center and just right of top center were curved by a steady breeze during their formation.

More snapped-off souvenir stalactites.

It's really hard to see, but that's a clear pool of water.

To use the flash or not to use the flash?

So that step's about eight feet lower than our house.

Back out into the heat! The whole tour took about two hours, maybe less.

While in the caverns you're mostly going down (did I mention it includes negotiating a small slide?), making for a nice level walk back to the parking lot.


toomanycats said...

I'm claustrophobic and I DO have problems with caves or any other enclosed place with no windows. But it looks beautiful in its own way, I can see. It appears that no one in your family is claustrophobic! :)

whc03grady said...

The only part when we got nervous (along with everyone else on the tour got nervous, it seemed) was when the guide turned off the lights in our area before he tuned on the lights for the next. That's as dark as it gets.


Terry said...

Love the photos! Reminds me of Cave of the Mounds in Wisconsin!

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