September 7, 2014

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh

After all these years of camping together--13 all told, 10 in Ludwig--we finally had the it-rained-the-whole-time experience a few weekends ago at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, where we'd agreed to meet some friends.

The fuzzy pictures below were taken with E's camera because, while it does take lo-res pictures, being a kiddie camera and all, it does at least take them reliably, which can't be said for our broken-battery-door camera.

Once Melissa figured how to set up that tent so water didn't just dump inside, it was a lifesaver.

It's not clear what E was demonstrating to K and J here, but apparently it was captivating.

E took this one. I think that bright thing is a hand.

Antics with E, I, J, and E.

None in our party took a cavern tour this time, but we did go to the upper visitors center for fireside renditions of John Denver songs. I'm surprised at how many lyrics I knew. Thanks, Mom.

Just like a cliché, the rain cleared during the morning we were leaving. It was good times anyway, by our estimation. Thanks for meeting us, K, N, J, and E!

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