September 29, 2014

Rock Creek Jamboree

J, I, B, and K hanging out on one of Rock Creek's many rocks.

A and E. E got a cinder in her eye at the campfire the night before, hence the swollen eye and her expression.

E, M, I, J, J, I.

Bitterroot Flat campground comes highly recommended. 

I didn't realize until I saw the picture in a larger size that poor J back there seems to be crying, probably because the bigger kids aren't including him. Sorry, J.

The weekend's activities wrapped up with a short hike into the Welcome Creek Wilderness. Longtime blog readers may recognize that we've been here before.

Happy/grumpy to be headed home?

Eight years ago when we were moving to Missoula this rock outcropping along the Clark Fork impressed me enough that I took a picture (second from the bottom). We've passed it dozens of times since, and I still like it.


We're home! 
(p.s. Google recently completely changed botched their mapping tool despite their promise to not be evil (I count willful stupidity as being evil, maybe the worst kind). Until I learn it, find something better, or they change it, you're stuck with this. Sorry.)

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