February 18, 2018

Day 2: Syracuse to Bryce Canyon National Park

The Mormon Temple, a couple blocks away, is the much more imposing building. Just in case you wondered where the real power lay in the Beehive State.

Headed to see something up by Fish Lake.

 No more 'up' left.

 I guess we just ran out of 'up'. This is Ludwig's new highpoint (though see Day 3).

 Why drive so high to this out-of-the way sylvan lake?

Because along its shore grows the world's oldest known living organism, an otherwise unassuming Aspen grove named 'Pando' that is estimated at 80,000-plus years old. How can you miss going to see something like that if you're gonna be anywhere near it?

The road to Bryce Canyon.

 Snug as a bug in Bryce Canyon NP. It got down to about 14F overnight. No complaints.

miles 38757.2-39128.5

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