February 26, 2018

Wickenburg to Phoenix to Tucson (Day 7)

We woke up in Wickenburg, greeted by the first really big cactuses of the trip. Apparently the Smaller One wasn't too happy about them.

Here either.

Besides the cactuses, another discovery was that I'd left Ludwig's gas cap on a pump back in Wickieup. We were loathe to drive an hour there and an hour back to retrieve it. Some searching told us Jan Blair & Sons Auto Parts in Phoenix was a major ACVW salvage yard which might have a replacement. 

They sure had a lot of ACVWs, including that unholy Type 3 "truck" up there, but no 1974-and-up bus gas caps.

We settled for one off a '68 Beetle instead. It's ugly but does the job for now, and cost less than $8. I'd've liked to have spent all day there. Recommended.

Next stop, the Arizona State Capitol. We ate lunch in the parking lot under this Palo Verde tree. Melissa and I experienced a lot of SoCal deja vu from all the weird trees.

The capitol is tiny. Seriously. Like maybe about twice as big as our public library back in Livingston. It's so tiny that all the state government's functions have been moved to other buildings and it's been converted to a museum. Maybe that makes it technically not the capitol anymore?

E and the Smaller One weren't impressed that whoever made the capitol-museum's timeline needed a do-over on Montana's birthday.

Between Phoenix and Tucson we summited Picacho Pass. This is Picacho Peak, site of the Civil War's Westernmost battle. It was hot (~80F) and Ludwig was running Winter oil (10W-40), so I was nice and nervous.

But, we made it! This '78 greeted us at our halfway point, the Tucson KOA where we'd share a cabin with Melissa's sister and her sons for a couple nights.

miles 39726.6-39921.1

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