We know some of you might be eager to read about Colin's visit and our trip to Maupin for the 4th Annual Deschutes River RendezVW, but we've been so busy working we haven't had time to blog. I swear. I even have the pictures to prove it. Since we don't have Fang Fang anymore, we have to make sure we don't slack on the VW upkeep. As I'm sure you could guess, it's really more demanding of Mitch than me, since I don't really know how to do anything mechanical without his instruction, but there are a few things that I can do.
I spent most of E's sleeping time on Friday cleaning up Ludwig's paint. Here's a before/after shot during the progress on his back hatch door.
E and I "got lost" Saturday morning, so Mitch could have some distraction-free time to spend working on Gertie and Ludwig.
We found Mitch dutifully working away under Gertie when we returned.
He'd spent the better part of the morning cleaning Gertie's engine. Stay tuned for a post from Mitch to read about the cause of the filth, and the repairs made during Colin's visit.
After E was well in to her afternoon nap, Mitch was finishing hooking the engine back up in Gertie (he'd dropped it a few inches to return part of the cooling tin) and on his way to giving both Gertie and Ludwig oil changes. I got started on replacing Gertie's passenger mirror.
The mirror was snapped off when we bought her, but luckily we got three other mirrors with the Fastback parts. None of them were in good enough shape to use on their own, but I was able to take the glass from one and put it in another mirror.
While the glue was drying, I got to cleaning some of the 38 years of grime off our little beauty.
Two hours of cleaning, and all I finished was the visors, dash, front door panels, and under one of the windows in the back seat (seen above). Did you know that Gertie has three ashtrays? A smoker's delight, to be sure.
I never saw Mitch multi-task so well. I think working on two ACVWs suits really him.
Passenger side mirror: check!
And we managed to get it done before Tater Tot finished her nap!
You can convert the ashtrays to "hidy" places for Ms. E's treasures! The one in front could work as a change dish!
That's funny, I dumped a bunch of change for meters in the front ashtray just yesterday.
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