Melissa and I took little E for a stroller ride (you know, because we did a lot more walking during that time, since our two daily drivers were rendered undriveable) through Northside (not to be confused with Westside, where we live) a few weeks ago to get Tater Tot to sleep and check out how their community gardens were coming along. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something strange going on a few blocks down so I asked Melissa if we should turn and investigate. What I thought I saw was someone working on a Type 3 Fastback.
What it was was some kid pounding on the shell of a Fastback with a hammer. I've seen stranger things. Right, well I have too. But it was still really really strange. We approached and an older guy climbed out of the shell. (So why was the kid beating on the shell again?) I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was stripping this car down to the pan to make a trike... this Beetle-based one in his garage. So I said, what're you gonna do with that pile of stuff you took off of it? (And why was that kid beating on the Fastback anyway?)
This pile, fenders, doors, hood(s), bumpers, et alia that had escaped the hammer's blows. He said he was going to take it for scrap. I said how much for it, he said "nothing, but if you take any of it you have to take all of it."
Sold. So we borrowed Melissa's super-generous friend Melanie's truck and piled it in...
...and I tossed it in the yard until I made room for it in the garage. Above, Tater Tot is helping me inventory it. (At least our kid doesn't beat on cars, or car parts for that matter, with a hammer.)
So there it is: most of the panels off of a 1973 Fastback, many in better condition than what's on Gertie already. When I hauled it off, I asked the guy what he was going to do with the front clip (the front of the car from the dash forward). He said he'd cut it off and set it in his driveway for us to pick up later, which he did and we did (with help from Beau--thanks, Beau). We also got a pile of unusable parts (unusable because they're either Fasty-specific or redundant for what Gertie has) that we can sell, making the price on this deal even sweeter.
cool. Can't wait to see what she looks like after the 'fix'. (and the in progress pictures too...)
Fantastic find! Hope you can use most of it. I. like the above post, can't wait to see how she turns out.
Glad you guys made it home!!!!
nk-We can't wait to see what she looks like either. But it's going to be a long road, so we hope you enjoy pictures of people working on cars.
bb's d-It was indeed fantastic. Maybe on our next trip to Northside we'll stumble across a guy who wants to do a bunch of welding for free. It's days such as that which make me (Melissa) wonder if there is such a thing as karma. I mean really, our cars get smashed then a massive lot of free parts get dumped in our laps? Type III parts no less. In Montana. What a nice coincidence.
rf-Thanks, and thanks for letting us stay at your house, which I (Mitch) should note is now Ludwig's most Westerly known point.
-Melissa & Mitch.
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