July 3, 2011

T-minus 10 Hours

Only ten hours left until Colin comes and shows me everything I'm missing and/or did wrong.


Anonymous said...

Man up and show that know it all, just how much you know.

If that fails pull out lil' tater tot and have her melt Mr. know it all into the softy we all know he is.


marcandeliana said...

Valentina is holding out hope for a Colin-session round 2 in Miami! Hope he makes it back around to south florida. Maybe in the fall.

marcandeliana said...

By the way, that engine looks amazing! NICE work, even if something isn't 100% correct!

Unknown said...

Has your bus been dormant all this time? The Engine is looking good!

Ludwig's Drivers said...

@PJ--I showed him how much I know all right, which is about zero when it comes to how these carbs are supposed to be set up. Tater Tot was appropriately demure and charming.
@exoticdvm--Thanks. Plenty of it is 100% INcorrect as a matter of fact, but it's gonna be okay.
@Jeremy--Ludwig has been dormant since March 20 2010. I drove him for the first time in 472 days, yesterday, around the block. Still plenty of adjusting to do, but we're on the last half of the home stretch.


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