July 17, 2011

Trip 4

Tater Tot and I are doing the best we can to help get this new engine ready for big road trips. The other day we took Ludwig to Fairmont Hot Springs Resort and Spring Hill.

 Fairmont has a pretty cool playground, even if the depiction of our solar system is disappointing.

Here's their wildlife zoo (that's what they call it), there's goats, ponies, ducks and a llama. Tater likes it alright.

 Anaconda smoke stack in the distance.

Here's the spring where people fill up on water from all around. We parked here for about 15 minutes before turning around, and there was a steady flow of people coming to tank up on water. The guy in the photo got no less than 20 gallons, and from the county on his license plates he lives about 100 miles from here.

Next up: dealing with what's inside this package from Rocky Jennings Enterprises. It was delivered to our house right after Tater and I got home from our drive. Did we forget to mention? He sold us an engine with an oil leak.

(miles 23416-23462)


Terry said...

love the golashes!!!

Lisa said...

I'm guessing it's either a bill, a letter asking for references on another VW job, or a stack of cash for making you deal with his shoddy work....

Unknown said...

Oh! The Places You'll Go!

Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!

Dr. Seuss

Big Blue's Driver said...

Love the cliffhanger!

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