July 6, 2014

Camping and Hiking on the West Thumb

Our site, G-203, a pretty good one. Even on this, opening day of camping at Grant Village Campground, there were bazillions of campers but the thick woods kept us from really noticing them.

The Lake was out our back door and down a little slope.

Stinkerton engaged in some tummy time before our walk around the geysers.

In spite of an extreme poverty of monkeys, Yellowstone lies within the range of Mimulus guttatus, the Common Monkey Flower.
Melissa made me promise we'd return late in the Summer to see the submerged geysers unsubmerged.

In June 1998 a newborn elk calf fell in this hot springs, Emerald Pool I think, and died pretty much instantly (the water is like 160 or 180 F). Park staff removed the bigger pieces but these bones remain. (Click here for a not-grisly-but-sad picture of the calf right after it fell in.)

Ludwig waited patiently, as always.

She's almost sitting up on her own.


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