July 15, 2014

Heading Home from CotM

It's the last morning so I'm taking a self+Stinkertonie while Melissa packs up. I guess there's blowback against selfies now? Why?

Somewhere along ID 33 we pulled over for a diaper break (a recurring motif). In the distance are the Menan Buttes.

Same stop, different view. There was a dessicated, mangled coyote carcass off the side of the pullout that E found morbidly interesting.

E had wanted to eat at the dead coyote place since it was close to lunch anyway, but I talked her into waiting. "Maybe there'll be a park with a playground in this town [Howe ID, pop. ca. 300] a little ways ahead" I guessed.

I was right!

The greenness of heavily-irrigated Howe in the pictures above might fool you into thinking this part of Idaho isn't a desert. But it is.

Earlier we'd driven past a 'Danger--Unexploded Ordinance' sign and I regretted I didn't get a picture. From a distance I thought this was another, but nope.

Waaaaaay off there, about 100 miles away, is the backside of the Grand Tetons, in Wyoming. You'll probably have to zoom a lot. Their snowpack looks like clouds, but is finer and more detailed, if that makes sense. (And it really is the Tetons.)

Just zoom in...

...reeeeeally close and you'll see them, I promise.

Decisions, decisions (actually, we went straight and always knew we were going to). 

One, two, three, wait: who's taking this picture? The driver? Dangerous.

Ludwig claims another Montana (MT/ID in this case) Great Divide crossing, Monida.

Lima Peaks

The Pipe Organ

The West Pioneers

And that big stack (just left of center) says we're almost home. Except for one hiccup, to be addressed anon, Ludwig was a champ.

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