August 31, 2017

City of Heat

We went to Thermopolis Wyoming for the eclipse. I drove.

Melissa slept.

The girls were rowdy.

There was topography.

There was desert.

Thermopolis has quite a bit going on, actually. We recommend it.
We biked everywhere: the suspension bridge... the rock people accidentally made... this '73 Super Beetle...

...and to the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. I challenge anyone to show me a better natural history museum in a town of less than 3,500 people. Among many other things they had a trilobite mass grave...

...a fish eating a pterosaur eating a fish (yes, really)...

...and the best Archaeopteryx fossil in the world, and the only Archaeopteryx on display in the Western Hemisphere. (We also biked to two different hot spring swimming pools.)

Speaking of dinosaurs, these are our chickens' eggs, which we turned into pancakes back at the RV park.

Yes, we like Thermopolis.
Next: the Great American Eclipse

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