August 14, 2017


Ludwig has been running pretty well lately KNOCK ON WOOD so for Colin's stop this year we decided to tackle long-lingering body integrity issues.

We disassembled the guts of the doors.

Then installed all new rubber--scrapers, felts, seals. All new. Colin worked on the driver's side while I mimicked his work on the passenger side. Not shown: kicking out the sliding door and tightening its works so it opens and closes more easily.

Doors finished, we had a choice. Replace the ball joint seals or tackle the windshield lip's rust. We went for the windshield, and good thing we did. Above, we cleaned the lip with POR-15 and applied some bondo.

Then we sanded, more bondo, primered, more bondo, sanded, primered, sanded, painted, and...

...slapped the windshield back in, with a new seal. Melissa and I worked the outside, Colin and Esmé worked the inside. I have to say, Esmé was a big help and I don't mean that in the oh-aren't-you-a-big-widdle-helper way. I mean, she was in the thick of it, and even gave the cord the final tug to fully seat the windshield and seal. 

Thank you Colin. And thank you to Melissa who, on top of being a full-time mom, taught many, many knitting classes so we could set aside enough money for a two-day appointment. I'm glad we were able to use the money she earned on some fixes that affect so directly her ability to use Ludwig.

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