April 29, 2009


Disaster struck this morning as a lady in a 1998 Grand Am smashed into Fang Fang and Gertie as they sat innocently parked on the street. Fang Fang took most of the burden for her distant German cousin, sparing Gertie from what certainly would've been life-ending damage. Fang Fang however, will most likely be sent on to her Greater Reward.
More posts on this to follow.


marcandeliana said...

oh no!

Big Blue's Driver said...

Crap! That sucks bad. Was she boozing?

Looks like you may be an all VW family now. You'll have to let us know the damage.

Glad Ludwig was out of the way...

Anonymous said...

Dang,Dang ain't that the darndest thang,thang. How did you know it happened? Was it early and you were drinking tang,tang and was there a loud bang,bang?

I hope the lady stopped and owned up to it, otherwise hit and run gets you the chain gang gang.


Lisa said...


Claire said...

Poor E doesn't understand why someone would do such a bad thing.

Word Woman said...

Condolences from Word Woman. Poor Fang Fang! : (

PaddyH said...

wow that sucks...maybe the subie heart can be donated to a water cooled Vanagon, or sumthin...

whc03grady said...

e-"oh no!" is right!
bb's d-We just might have to go all (AC)VW. Oh well: there are worse things.
We're glad Ludwig was outta the way too. With Gertie, she gets smacked, you find a new fender. Not that that's easy, but ol' Ludwig is, for bodywork purposes, all fender!
pj-It wasn't a hit-n-run. The insurance situation is evolving as we speak.
nk-"poop" is right!
c-It's going to be tough to break it to her if we have to get rid of Fang Fang. That's the car she came home from the hospital in....
ww-Poor Fang Fang indeed. She gave as good as she got--the Grand Am's front wheels were pointing in different directions.
ph-You have to be about the 40th person to mention the Subaru/Urabus conversion as pertains our situation. We'll see what happens, but to be honest we lack the time, money, space, and drive for such a project.

Thanks to all for your condolences.


Anonymous said...

I had a '69 Squareback that was hit and killed by a drunk driver while parked in front of my house. I can certainly sympathize with what you went through. I'm really glad that this one was spared and lives on!

Santa Cruz, Ca

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