April 2, 2009

Gertie gets put to work

We found a swingset on freecycle (that means it was free) and since we have a backyard for the time being, we snapped it up.
I've lamented the fact that Ludwig ain't so good for hauling freight before, and I didn't want to subject him and his cloth upholstery to a muddy ol' swingset. It's still cold and snowing here, and he takes so long to warm up to boot. Also, Fang Fang is full of baby stuff, most awkward of which is a carseat, making 
her less than perfect for toting longish cargo.

Folding up Gertrude's back seat makes for an incredible amount of space, so we drove her over to the swingset's home and disassembled it. After getting back home we forgot to take a picture before the slide came out. (We see that soot on the driver's side and one of our first orders of business will be taking care of it.)

All this fit inside, but Melissa had to ride in the back with it because the front seat had to be flopped forward. Without Melissa back there, I think we could've easily stuffed in another whole set. And put a week's groceries in the trunk.

(I'd list the miles here but Gertie's odometer doesn't work yet.)

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