August 22, 2010

Men at Work

Ludwig got a ringside seat to the replacement of Maple Street's water main a couple weeks ago. Melissa said the backhoe guy got really close to him a couple times. See for yourself:

We've had to put off having Ludwig's engine delivered while this was going on. The street's all finished now. 
Sooooo: in other news, Ludwig's engine is coming this week!


Chris said...

Yay! for the new engine. It looks like Ludwig (and you) have a nice mountain view as well.

Alisa H / Jake G said...

Brave Ludwig stared danger in the face!

Jody said...

How exciting! Maybe you can squeeze in a trip before the snow flies. Well, unless Tater is ready for winter camping... We went camping a total of 1 tiem this year. Lemme tell ya that camping is no fun with a broken arm...maybe you can relate....

Ludwig's Drivers said...

@Chris-Yep, we've got mountains all around, even closer in than in Missoula. We're at just over a mile up, and the tallest peaks we can see from town are over 10,000ft.

@A, dba AH/JG-He did indeed. "Ludwig" does mean "famous warrior", after all.

@JODY-The snow has already flown on top of Mt. Haggin (the 10,000ft+ peak mentioned above). It already smells like Winter in the evenings, down here in the valley. There was a light freeze earlier this week. And in conversation with a native just yesterday he said a few years ago Anaconda got 5" of snow the last week of AUGUST. I don't know how fast I'll be able to get the engine in, but we probably have only a few weeks of snow-free weather left. Maybe we'll do some tent camping in Gertie.


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