July 30, 2012

Bentley Type 3 Service Manual

I bought my copy of the Bentley manual for Type 3s in, I think, 1991 from John Osborne at Metric Motors in Windside Nebraska. He sold it to me cheap because it was fairly beat up (during my ownership it got much more beat up). It's an earlier printing.

I don't know why I started doing this, but when you're on a roll....

This is why I've never bought a newer, non-beat up copy: mine's old enough that the wiring diagrams are in color. Decoding b&w wiring diagrams when you're an electricity idiot can only lead to muffled weeping.

July 26, 2012


A '62 or '63 or '64 biding its time in the 80 Elsie. The first time I saw it, it had a "For Sale" sign in its window. My nearly imperceptible "hmmm" and thoughtful gaze in reaction to this earned me a withering look from the young woman at my side.

July 22, 2012

Super For Sale

It likely means I'm some kind of purist snob, but I'm so disinterested in Supers I didn't even walk up to check the price.

July 13, 2012

Through the Eyes of Tater Tot

Esmé taked this picture. It's of Ludwig and Gertie when Mommy and Daddy were moving them.

Ludwig's almost in the garage!


Ludwig's outside.

There's lots of garden in the picture.

This is a close-up picture 'cause I was standing on the end rock to take this picture.

Ludwig and Gertie are in this picture. And Mommy.

Gasp! This is the corner of the fence.

Mommy and Ludwig are cute.

I'm driving the car.

I'm pushing the pedal!

I'm up in the front to take this picture.

Cute Daddy.

This is a dark picture, isn't it?

Ludwig's finally in the garage.

Cute Ludwig's front (he has a tire on his nose).

Mommy is driving Gertie while Daddy's pushing her.

When is Gertie gonna get in where she was?

This picture is not totally up.

That's Mommy Mommy's arm.

I'm pushing her pedal.

July 7, 2012

Missoulaneous Vanagons


July 1, 2012

The 914

Spotted tooling through Anaconda.

Let's just get this right out of the way: 914-4s (the "-4" means they have a VW-based 1700/1800/2.0L four-cylinder engine) aren't Porsches any more than Labradoodles are Poodles. That they are badged as Porsches at all is an artifact of a marketing stunt (maybe "ploy" is a better word) in the 1970s. 914-6s, where the "-6" means they have a six-cylinder two-liter straight out of the 911T, are, of course, actually Porsches.

I have a fondness for 914s because in addition to being beautiful (really!), a 914 that I never met played a small part in my courtship (such that it was) of a certain young lady named "Melissa", back in 1995: the first real time we spent alone together was when she drove me from Lincoln to Omaha to check out a 914 I was contemplating buying, but by the time we got there it was sold.

A couple years later Melcher bought a basket case 914-4 and spent a Winter putting it back together. I got to drive it once though not more than once because my friends have always found my driving suspect. I didn't exactly put it through its paces, but even during a short jog through downtown Lincoln I found it to be the best handling car I've ever driven.