July 13, 2012

Through the Eyes of Tater Tot

Esmé taked this picture. It's of Ludwig and Gertie when Mommy and Daddy were moving them.

Ludwig's almost in the garage!


Ludwig's outside.

There's lots of garden in the picture.

This is a close-up picture 'cause I was standing on the end rock to take this picture.

Ludwig and Gertie are in this picture. And Mommy.

Gasp! This is the corner of the fence.

Mommy and Ludwig are cute.

I'm driving the car.

I'm pushing the pedal!

I'm up in the front to take this picture.

Cute Daddy.

This is a dark picture, isn't it?

Ludwig's finally in the garage.

Cute Ludwig's front (he has a tire on his nose).

Mommy is driving Gertie while Daddy's pushing her.

When is Gertie gonna get in where she was?

This picture is not totally up.

That's Mommy Mommy's arm.

I'm pushing her pedal.


Anonymous said...

Great pics!

Unknown said...

I see you were playing a little parking tag, with Ludwig and Gertie.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

It should be noted: in the pictures where she appears to be running the pedals, she is showing us how she was actually running the pedals, specifically, the brake pedal, to help us get Ludwig up the driveway (she'd hit the brakes when we lost momentum and were about to slip back down again).


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