July 26, 2012


A '62 or '63 or '64 biding its time in the 80 Elsie. The first time I saw it, it had a "For Sale" sign in its window. My nearly imperceptible "hmmm" and thoughtful gaze in reaction to this earned me a withering look from the young woman at my side.


Unknown said...

I feel your pain. Too bad our significant others don't share our enthusiasm for rolling works of art, such as your photo depicts.
Ah, what's one more small car in the yard? :)
VW Busman

whc03grady said...

I should clarify: my significant other is quite enthusiastic about our VWs (Exhibit A: http://www.ludwigandgertie.com/2010/05/dedication.html ), often to an extent greater than myself. However, with two non-rolling works of art currently on hand and no back up, her patience would understandably be worn thin by the addition of a third.


Unknown said...


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