August 20, 2012

Fun Camping Trip (title by TT)

With most of the kinks mostly worked out of the cars for the most part, we headed to Lost Creek State Park for our anniversary. We camp on or around our anniversary whenever possible.

  Me sitting in my car seat, worried. Why? 'Cause I'm nervous when we will have to get towed.

Entering the low end of Lost Creek Valley

We picked site 17, along the creek near some rapids, hoping the ambient noise would drown out any potential meth-head-family-all-nightfest, should that happen again. Fortunately the only sounds we heard from any neighbor were a couple songs plucked out on a lute.

One of TT's pictures:
 This is a pink rock 'cause you see how it's a little hard to see? I want to tell them so they'll know.

It's really cool how the whole creek flows over this one huge rock slab for a stretch.

In this sequence, TT is appointing her sleeping area exactly as she sees fit.

All set up

Last time she'd said the way the trees moved scared her, so this time we spent a lot of time discussing trees and how they have to sway or they'll break. She decided they look like arms.

This video's pretty crappy but maybe it gives an idea of what she's talking about.

Beer is just wasting space in the fridge when there's a 40° F creek flowing out back, so I sank a few cans of Oly in a crate for easy retrieval (another great use for milk crates).

As is my custom, I scrambled to the top of the falls.

 I'm saying "come down". Why? 'Cause you were up there. (She did not want me up there.)

 I'm dancing saying, "he won't come down" and now he is! Something's funny in the picture.

We did some walking around.

What were you thinking in this picture? I was thinking if I should blow my bubbles.

Yes, we should blow her bubbles. I'm leaning away from her because she'll pop them before they're free of the wand with that blurry little hand of hers otherwise.

Um, did somebody really push this apart? My answer to that question is "no".

Believe it or not, a little later this squirrel (or one that looks just like it) climbed onto my shoe and then up onto my knee. It made me a little nervous, to be honest.

Tater Tot did end up sleeping all night on the first floor, by herself (I heard her get up a couple times to get a drink from her thoughtfully situated water bottle). It was probably made easier by the fact that we gave her her own flashlight, and that she got to set up her space exactly how she wanted it. She told me about looking out the window when she was up taking a drink and that the stars and the trees were pretty. 

Heading home the next day, looking to the East, the haze is some indication of how smoky things've been lately--though this is considerably better than it was last week. When we were packing up to leave TT said she wanted to stay for five days, four nights.

And so ends another mellow adventure at Lost Creek State Park. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I normally cannot sleep very well on a camp out, I love the mountains but the overnight thing is kinda hard for me, but when if I had a VW camper like yours, it would be a blast! Looks like you had a ton of fun, that's pretty awesome.

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