October 27, 2013

Happy 43rd, Gertrude Butterblume

Not much ink gets spilled over Gertie anymore, though that's not to say we don't love her. We just don't have time for her right now.

The plan, such that it is, is that she's the car upon which I--and E, if she's willing--will learn how to do body work. Hopefully this can happen before her 50th birthday. Also, she has a fuel injection issue I have yet to figure out (see: time, lack thereof), which makes her somewhat unreliable (I'd sooner push her off a cliff than hack carb(s) into her, to head that suggestion off at the pass).

But anyway, happy 43rd, Gertie.


Unknown said...

Thought your buddy Colin, master of all things VW, was going to diagnose and repair Gertrude for you.

Ludwig's Drivers said...

My buddy Colin and I did get her running pretty well actually. But issues still arose which we didn't have time for, given that the day was allotted to Ludwig and he was mostly tinkering on Gertie during 'off' times (like lunch). He did give me some tests to perform which I haven't done (again, no time).
One of these times if Ludwig isn't the primary focus of one of his visits (it pains me to say it, but Ludwig is the more important of the two) we'll really tear into Gertie.


Unknown said...

Chin up, fight the good fight and all that rot, you'll get her done.
BTW, haven't any reports about your 2003 Subaru Baja since you acquired same.
Driving impressions thus far?

whc03grady said...

You don't want to hear my impression on "driving" a ten year-old car.
It runs well enough (for having 197,000 miles on the clock) and does pretty much everything you'd want it to. It burns some oil, needs a head gasket, and will need its timing belt ("timing belt"??) changed sooner rather than later. And as I've said before, if we had to get a newer car (which we kind of did), Subaru would really be the only make on the list (Ford if it had to be 'merican), so I guess that counts as a recommendation.
But "driving"? I don't know as I'd call what you do from the left-hand front seat in any car built after the 1970s (certain sports cars excepted) "driving".


erinberk said...

I have heard that cleaning all the electrical connections, and especially the ones to the ECU works wonders on DJET gremlins.

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