August 13, 2013

Summer 2013 Adventure Part 9: Yellowstone Pt. 2

The rain brightened up the landscape. This is Pelican Creek, and we did indeed see a pelican--E spotted it first.

We saw our first bison crossing a road at Fishing Bridge.

And then we saw another on the way to the Mud Volcano area.

Our first stop at the Mud Volcano area was this  roil, the Dragon's Mouth, which was more violent until December 1994 when it suddenly calmed down--an earthquake probably shifted its plumbing.

Tater Tot demanded I pick her up before we got all the way to the Mud Volcano itself...

...because this bull was hanging out really close to the boardwalk (note that she wasn't too scared to take pictures though).

Mud Volcano.

This pond, Sour Lake I think, has a pH comparable to battery acid.

A few of the features in this area were geological infants, having exploded into being all at once in the 1940s and 1980s. I was glad the parking lot hadn't seen the birth of one while we were on our walk, and that Ludwig was still there.

Bison, Ludwig.

Getting ready to leave the Mud Volcano, I saw that my campsite repair of the right carb hadn't held up. We backtracked to Fishing Bridge where the mechanic supplied us with the needed part--a cotter pin--at no charge.

Next: leaving Yellowstone, driving home, and the little of the fifth state

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