August 4, 2013

Summer 2013 Expedition Part 5: Eastern Nebraska

Along US 275 with whc01melcher and his crew following close behind.

A more representative shot of their rig.

For our grub stop we chose The Tow Line outside of Fremont, co-owned and co-operated by that jolly guy at left, who we both worked with in a different time, at a different place.
That cumulonimbus incus threatened to give us a wet beginning to our camping, but it didn't follow up.

whc02mcdonald and his bride tested the capacities of their kid's pull-behind bike.

After much insistence over the last few months that she would never ever do so (we dropped the subject), Tater Tot unexpectedly pulled a 180 and proclaimed her desire to sleep up front in the cot, and did so with great success.

It was a good time camping with the rest of the Wolfsburg Hurricane Club and their families.

Having parted ways, we checked out the Henry Doorly Zoo, from above even. The zoo's parking lot on 10th Street is now Ludwig's Easternmost known point.

A propos of nothing, TT dubbed these cheetahs "Sally" and "Elizabeth".

And then on to Lincoln, to visit their excellent Children's Museum.

No visit to Lincoln is complete without a stop at the capitol, easily the nation's finest (no kidding).

The view from the observation deck. That's Ludwig, second from the right on the near side.

Two dudes who used to work together, when they had a little more hair and a lot smaller guts.

Last Lincoln stop: Morrill Hall.

Now headed West again, we stopped to inspect K's farm. That's K at left.

You'll not likely find a picture more stereotypically emblematic of Nebraska.

What's all this Wyoming coal doing heading East? I figured China was getting all of it by this point.

Edit: Melissa said it's weird that I said how great Nebraska's capitol is and then didn't even include a picture of the building itself. So:

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