August 29, 2013

Georgetown Lake in June

Here's a camping trip we never posted about, a little one-nighter up the valley back in June.

Melissa drove. She's not usually as grumpy as those sunglasses make her look.

The intended destination was Warm Springs Campground, about 13 miles from our house. I don't remember why, but I called the ranger district about this campground before we left and was told that during a flood last year, the creek along which it's situated shifted from running around the campground to running through the campground. Because of this they decided to decommission it which means you can still camp there, but they aren't keeping it up at all any more. No trash, no toilets (not even vault), no water, no nothin'.

Well, we were game anyway but let me tell you, apparently when a campground gets decommissioned people take that as a license to trash up the joint. It was pretty bad, like really bad, so we turned around...

...and went up to Georgetown Lake.

Previously I've been kind of down on the campgrounds at The Lake (as it's known locally) because they're so big and usually so busy. But we found a nice spot on the edge where we were pretty content.

Pretty content indeed. Plus it wasn't at all busy.

Later in the day it coldened up (it still gets plenty cold in the late afternoon at 6400 ft in late June) so the ladies donned warmer clothes.

They also goofed around by the fire.

This might be some air guitar action.

She's 'shivering'. Maybe you have to be the kid's parent to think it's funny.

Anyway, during the night Melissa developed a health issue that sent us packing toot sweet early the next morning. But don't worry, it ended up being okay...and it was related to the fact that, sometime very late this year, we'll have to make room for a second carseat in Ludwig.

click here for map


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