August 15, 2013

Summer 2013 Escapade Part 10: Yellowstone Pt. 3 and Homeward

Another bison. 
Hayden Valley landscapes presented without comment:

Upper Falls of the Yellowstone. She's starting to look really tired (the kid, not the falls).

The third of the three air-cooled Volkswagens we saw. I think all factory round-headlighted Vanagons are air-cooled, right? 

The rim of the Caldera. A little part of it anyway. 

Entering Montana some two weeks and 1700 miles since we left it. 

And now Idaho? Yes: the fifth state of our four-state odyssey was Idaho, because when heading toward Anaconda from West Yellowstone, you have a choice to take US 287 around Hebgen Lake--and stay within Montana--or take US 20 and then a state highway through about 13 miles of Idaho (see map; you'll have to zoom out, as I'm not fancy enough (yet) with Google Maps to set a map's zoom level when it first opens up). It's the same distance going either way, but going through Idaho meant that we're two more passes closer to fulfilling one of my goals for Ludwig

Back in Montana (again) the scene looks tranquil enough but in reality I was battling an atrocious wind for control of Ludwig for what seemed like forever. Locations not terribly far from where we were got 104 mph winds. 

It's hard to tell because the light was fading and the camera couldn't focus as well, but that's a young lady in Ennis walking a cat. The wind had calmed down significantly by this point.

The last usable shot of the trip. So, what's up for next Summer?

click here for a map showing the last day

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